Monday, March 23, 2020

It is important to follow the new normal rules, but don't forget about your mental and physical health.

Do you know what else is important?

Self-Isolation, travel bans, social distancing, working from home, unemployment, recreation centres closing, and stockpiling supplies. This is our new reality. And all of these things are necessary if we want to have a healthy population and we don’t want this disease to take more lives.
Do you know what else is important? Exercise, socialization, routines, a sense of purpose and activities to look forward to etc. Depression and anxiety is a reality as well and if we aren’t careful during this time the effects of depression and anxiety may have a large impact on our society as well.
What can you do right now to keep a positive outlook over the next few months until this virus dies out?
  • Exercise every day- You may not be able to go to your local gym now, but you can make a point of going for a walk or a run every day. And maybe you go for a long walk one day and a short, fast walk the next. Do some yoga at home in front of the TV. Try some bodyweight exercises daily in your living room.
  • Unemployed? Forced to stay at home? Self-Isolating?- Now is a great time to work on that home project that you always wanted to tackle. Great news. You now have time to paint that spare bedroom.
  • Have you always wanted to learn a second language? Try Duolingo. It is a free app.
  • We have more time for family now. Set aside time every day to “play” with your family. Try a new board game. Play some video games with your kids.
  • Time with friends? Kill two birds with one stone. Get out for a daily walk or a run. Encourage a friend or two to join you. Map out a 5k loop. Time your loop and see if you can increase that time over the coming weeks. Maybe map out 3 different routes for some variety.
Yes, we do need to stop this virus. At the same time, we need to take care of our physical and mental health in the meantime. It is more important to take care of our health now more than ever.
My advice? Don’t forget to stop and smell the flowers.
Until next time…

Keep Fit ‘N’ Well.

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