Thursday, February 13, 2020

Fitness - Personal Training, In-Home Personal Training in Edmonton Alberta, Recovery Exercise,

Recovery Time for Exercise

It is important to give your body a rest. That doesn’t mean that you don’t exercise two days in a row. It might mean that you run one day then swim the next and you don’t weight train the same muscle groups two days in a row. Rest is important for your muscles. We create small tears in our muscles when we work out and they need a chance to rest and heal so they can get stronger.
The answer is to listen to your body. If you are sore after a leg work out a good remedy is a swim, walk or a bike ride to get the lactic acid in your legs moving so your stiffness goes away quicker. You definitely don’t work your legs two days in a row, but that doesn’t mean that you get a pass and get to sit on the couch all day and rest because your legs hurt.
I like to combine my cardio and weight routines so if I have a hard upper body work out one day, I swim the next so my cardio routine helps dissipate the lactic acid. After a hard legs work out, a longer bike session at a slightly lower intensity will help alleviate that leg soreness. After the bike ride as a warm up, it is back to some upper body exercises.

Just listen to your body. A little soreness in the muscles the day after a workout is a good thing. Soreness in your joints the next day? Not so good, but that’s a topic for another day.


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