Wednesday, January 2, 2019

New Year's Resolutions

Written by Greg Harvey of Fit 'N' Well.
As a personal trainer people often joke with me about how full the gym will be in January with the “New Year’s Resolutions’” and how busy we will be for the first 6-8 weeks of the year. Yes, we see an influx in business for the first three months of the year, for the most part I notice that people may hire us more in January than in the other months of the year, but credit to most people who hire us at that time, they are normally still working with us for at least the next 12-18 months or longer. Some people just make it a lifestyle and continue seeing their personal trainer once a week for maintenance and support and to keep them on track. Still others see us 3-4 times a week because they like the results and they may feel that working out on their own is boring. Regardless of the reasons people have for hiring a personal trainer we try to keep our clients motivated and looking forward to their exercise sessions. Some of these people have been working with me for almost twenty years.

When it comes to actual New Years’ resolutions, I am more of a believer in having regular goals that are continually worked on throughout the year. In my own life over the years I have made many health adjustments. Maybe not resolutions, but definite changes. In my late 20’s I was 40 pounds overweight. At that time I cut out the butter, saturated fat and ate smaller meals. That resulted in me losing 40 pounds. That was a huge deal at the time. Another time I cut out the extra sugars from Ketchup and other sauces. Again, a huge deal for me. One year I cut out dairy because of my dairy allergies. One January I cut out all diet pop and any food containing artificial sweeteners. One spring I cut out all animal products. My point is I didn't do all of these things at once. That would have been much too difficult. For me, I just look to find one more way I can improve my health or cut out one more thing that is getting in the way of my health.

This year I am cutting out all corn products due to the GMO factor and the damage it does to a person’s gut flora, potential joint inflammation and the impact that it may have on my health.

In order to make a change you first need a significant reason to make that change. Secondly changing too much at once is often overwhelming and not many people can do it long term, so just change one or two things at a time. Some people (like me) can’t do “moderation”. We're just not successful with moderately eating poorly. Know your limits. For me, it is better if I just cut out the bad habit from my life like it is a cancer. Corn products? Gone. I will likely sneak some roasted chick peas into the movie theatre and snack on them. No more popcorn for me, but I am looking forward to those roasted chick peas as a replacement.

If you need help with setting health goals and getting support and thus results. Give us a call. We'd be delighted to help you.

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